We're Glad You're Here.

Visiting any church for the very first time can be an unsettling experience. We want to put you at ease as you visit us for the first time. We are a small church so you can expect it to feel like church. There are no flashing lights and fast-talking sales pitches here.  Your first visit to Liberty Chapel will be refreshing, friendly, and enjoyable for your whole family. Our desire for you is for you to experience God honoring music, helpful teaching and preaching, friendly people, and to feel like you are a part of something, we want you to feel “at home” here. With this in mind here are some answers to some questions about what you can expect when you visit us.

Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions.

Main Worship: Sundays at 11:00am 

Sunday School (all ages): Sundays at 10:00am 

Prayer Meeting: Wednesday at 6:00pm


At Liberty Chapel, you will find only God’s word being spoken from the pulpit. It will be direct and unapologetic, and it will always be the truth. Our goal is not to make you laugh or make you cry or even to help you feel good. Our goal is to help you transform more and more into the image of Jesus Christ by helping you understand how God’s truth affects your life daily.  



We love to worship God and we know that taste in music is different for everyone. Our goal is to create an atmosphere where everyone can worship together, despite our differences in taste. For this reason you will find a good mix of old Hymns and new contemporary Christian music sung at Liberty Chapel. All of our music is God honoring and is sung with passion. Each service is different; however, we typically start with music and end with music.  



Every service will end with an invitation to respond to God’s call in your life. We believe that for since God is Holy, and is creator of all things, that His call demands a response from us. The pastor and deacons are always available to pray with you if you feel called to accept Christ as your Savior or if you need further help from God’s Word.  

There is something special for every age child. Our nursery provides a clean and safe environment to help care for your children. Volunteers who work with the children are carefully interviewed, screened, and trained. Parents can have peace of mind while they attend one of the adult Sunday School and worship service. Nursery is provided for newborns through three years old for all services.  

CHILDREN - Exciting Sunday School classes are provided for children three years old through 6th grade.  

TEENS - The high school years are an important time of transition as children are becoming young adults. It is during these years that they begin to establish what kind of person they are going to be. At Liberty Chapel, the goal is to help these young people cultivate a close walk with God and equip them to know Him personally. Every aspect of the youth ministry is done with the purpose of strengthening their relationships with God, their parents, authorities and peers. Although teens love to have fun, it is important to balance that fun with an emphasis on God’s Word. We want to provide them with a friendly environment that is both exciting and helpful in order to help them grow.  

We do not have any formal dress code for members or guests. We simply encourage everyone to give God their best and dress in what that honors him. You will find a mix of people wearing anything from suits to people wearing jeans and a nice shirt. You will still find a welcoming environment free of concern that someone is judging how you are dressed.  

No. We don’t invite you to Liberty Chapel for your offering. We want our service to be a gift to you. We hope you will find in this place a warm family spirit, truth from God’s Word, and a place where you can grow in God’s grace. Please don’t feel any obligation to participate in the offering as a guest.  

You will be greeted at the door with a friendly smile and a handshake. If it is your first visit the person greeting you will know. You will be given a church bulletin and shown around the church. You will be asked to fill out a visitor card and place it in the offering plate when it comes around. That is so the pastor and deacons can contact you after the service to get to know you a little better and answer any questions you may have.  

Our parking lot is open, feel free to park anyplace. We also have plenty of shade trees to park under for those hot summer days.  

There are no assigned seats, just sit where you like. No matter where you choose to sit you will have a great view of everything.  

Each worship service lasts about one-hour total. We appreciate you spending your time with us!

We’re a multi-generational church who have equally been blessed with a diverse community and many walks of life. While we all come from different places, the Gospel of Jesus Christ unites us. Unity is a big deal to us, especially with a world that seems more and more separate. To put it simply, we are a church that is full of fun-loving people who are passionate about Jesus.

We Want You Here

As you are reading this, you may wonder if Liberty Chapel is the right place for you. We hope you will give us a chance to make you feel at home in a safe and comfortable place where you can grow spiritually. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
